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Chiropractic Tips For Good Posture And Ergonomics

By: Dr. Brice Neff DC

Our health cannot be altered as readily as a software application. Proper computer ergonomics is essential for both teenagers and adults. Musculoskeletal pain, According to NCBI research, was discovered to be an issue among school-aged kids during computer usage. Weight and height were identified as variables influencing posture and the type of the reported pain. It was consequently advised to raise awareness about ergonomics and safety information to promote healthy posture.

Teenagers Are Experiencing Issues Due To Use Of Electronics

Chiropractors are seeing an increase in the number of teenagers who are suffering due to poor computer ergonomics. It’s hard to believe, but many children and teenagers already have repetitive motion injuries (RMI), commonly known as repetitive strain injuries (RSI). The uncomfortable carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of such an ailment. Other signs of poor ergonomics include chronic discomfort in the wrists, spine, neck, and shoulders. Educating children on how to properly use computers may not be enough; they may also be taught how to utilize real workstations. In a child, poor work behaviors can have major health consequences that may follow them their entire lives. Although parents are aware of the indicators of substance misuse in their children, only a few are aware of the long-term health consequences that might result from postural issues.

What Is An Easy Stretching Routine For Children?


Instruct them to do the following stretching exercises:

  • Form fists with your hands and rotate them in 10 rounds inward, then 10 rounds outward
  • Clasp your hands together in a prayer stance for 10 seconds, then lower them and repeat for another 10 seconds
  • Separate your fingers, then shut them one at a time
  • Stand still and have them lock their arms around your torso, twisting completely to the left and then to the right

Tips To Avoid Injuries Due To Poor Ergonomics

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to reduce your child’s risk of experiencing unpleasant and perhaps crippling injuries:

  • Ensure that each workstation in the house is customized to the user’s preferences.
  • Confirm that the computer’s monitor’s top is placed at or below the child’s line of sight. To achieve this, you may need to detach the monitor base or elevate the child’s seating posture.
  • Examine the workstation chair to check that it is appropriate for the youngster. To prevent hunching and provide an additional backrest, install an ergonomic back pillow on a level that matches the small of the child’s back.
  • A decent workstation seat may feature armrests that allow the elbows to relax at an angle of 70 to 135 degrees to the keyboard.
  • During typing, make sure your wrists are in a neutral posture and not tilted up or down. 
  • Provide foot support, a crate, or a small footstool if needed to provide a 90- to 120-degree angle for the child’s knees.
  • Make sure there is enough illumination to prevent eye strain and that the display is anti-glare. 
  • Permit your kid to use the computer for no more than two hours at a time. Restrict their screen time and make sure they take pauses to stretch and walk around.
  • Encourage your kid to consume four 8-ounce glasses of water per day to keep their muscles and all physiological systems refreshed.
  • Recommend to your kid’s teacher and PTA that the students be trained on appropriate computer ergonomics and push the school to provide ergonomically suitable workstations.


If you are experiencing some of the negative effects of poor ergonomics, contact Arizona’s Family Chiropractic for an assessment. Dr. Brice Neff DC can examine you to identify any joint imbalance that may be present and treat them so that your body can operate as it was intended. We may also assist you in assessing the ergonomic layout of your workstation and making recommendations to lower your risk of injury.



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