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Can Changes in Weather Trigger Barometric Pressure Headache

By: Dr. Brice Neff DC

Some people with lower back pain, neck discomfort, or other joint ailments are usually remarkably good at predicting the weather. The lack of pain is not a strong indicator of a healthy lifestyle. So, while the assumption that aches and pains signify rain may be correct, anticipating weather changes doesn’t have to prevent you from living the life you want. Although you can’t control the weather, frequent chiropractic therapy can help you manage the effects of the climatic changes on your health and daily life. Furthermore, combining regular chiropractic care with adequate exercise, vitamins, supplementation, and a well-balanced diet can effectively lessen your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

The Human Barometer

The influence of air on the surroundings is represented by barometric pressure. We like to refer to a rainy day as excellent sleeping weather since it allows us to stay in bed as long as we want. Surprisingly, when the barometric pressure lowers, the oxygen level in the air we breathe decreases, therefore less molecular presence in our blood and traveling to the brain, causing us to feel drowsy.

The strain on our body may cause fluids to swell in our joints and vasculature. Hot air is less dense and rises, cold air is heavier, and pressure gradients usually move from high to low to maintain atmospheric balance. This explains why people may experience severe soreness and pain as the barometric pressure drops.

Migraine is on the other end of the body and joint aches scale. Whenever weather systems intersect, resulting in tremendous rainstorms or suspected tornado activity, the human barometer can detect the fast drop in pressure before anyone else. Other examples of weather-related activities that can trigger a migraine or barometric pressure headache are:

  • excessively dry weather conditions that may cause dehydration
  • high relative humidity
  • strong winds
  • sun glare
  • temperature fluctuations

Symptoms Of Barometric Pressure Headaches

Barometric pressure headaches develop as the barometric pressure drops. They may even seem like a regular headache or migraine; however, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in one or both temples
  • enhanced light sensitivity
  • tingling in the face and neck
  • vomiting and nausea

If you often encounter these indications with a headache when it is wet or warm, you may have barometric headaches.

Causes Of Barometric Pressure Discomfort

Whenever the barometric pressure drops, it causes a pressure imbalance between the outside air and the air in your nostrils. This might cause discomfort. It is also unnecessary for the barometric pressure to shift dramatically to create headaches. According to NCBI study in  2015, scientists investigated the impact of barometric pressure on persons suffering from persistent migraines. The scientists found that even minor changes in barometric pressure caused migraines.

How Can Chiropractic Help?

The nervous system’s principal objective is to adjust to any situation within the body or on the outside. When the weather gets chilly, it is entirely acceptable to snuggle back into bed. Regular chiropractic adjustments help the nervous system work effectively, allowing these pressure fluctuations to impact you less.

Combination therapy

Chiropractic adjustments are intended to assist the nervous system in restoring physical equilibrium. Therapeutic massage aids in the relaxation of pressure points, allowing your body to avoid tension routines. When you combine the two, you may get the most effective treatment for barometric headaches. However, this therapeutic option isn’t intended to be a one-time remedy. It took your body a considerable amount of time to build up the stress caused by barometric sensitivity. Dr. Brice Neff DC at Arizona’s Family Chiropractic may recommend both chiropractic adjustments and a deep tissue massage in a single appointment if needed.

Alternative ways to treat barometric pressure headaches

Being conscious of your headache cycles is the most excellent strategy to avoid barometric pressure headaches. The quicker you notice the onset of a headache, the sooner you can prevent it. Taking good care of your body in other areas is also essential. Consider the following:

  • Every evening, get 7 to 8 hours of sleep
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water every day
  • You may try to work out on most days of the week
  • Consume a well-balanced diet and avoid missing meals
  • If you’re stressed, try some relaxing exercises


Clear skies are no substitute for regular chiropractic care, sufficient exercise, a healthy diet and supplements, and a decent diet. Even if you can’t change the weather, you can still manage your symptoms by collaborating with your chiropractor or doctor to lessen the influence of your symptoms on your everyday life.



Frequently Asked Questions

How Are Barometric Pressure Headaches Diagnosed?

Because there is no diagnostic requirement for barometric headaches, it is critical to provide your doctor with enough detail. Your doctor will inquire about:

  • when and how the headaches usually onset 
  • the duration and pattern of each headache onset
  • how you handle your symptoms and what relieves your headaches

Content Reviewed By

Dr. Brice Neff DC Gilbert AZ
Doctor of Chiropractic