Sciatica/Pinched Nerve Treatment In Gilbert, AZ

Dr. Brice Neff DC Gilbert AZ

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Sciatica (sciatic neuralgia, sciatic neuritis, or lumbar radiculopathy) is pain that follows the path of the sciatic nerve. It originates in the lumbar spine and radiates down through the hips, buttocks, and the posterior thigh (back of the thigh), usually on one side of the body. If the pain is bad enough for you to be wondering how to make it stop, then it’s time to seek chiropractic help. Fortunately, sciatica treatment options are available to manage pain. Surgery is rarely necessary. However, you can almost certainly avoid surgery if you visit a chiropractor for fast relief.

What Are The Symptoms Of Sciatica?

Sciatica pain symptoms usually include one or more of the following, typically in one leg:

  •  Lower back (lumbar spine) pain, hamstring pain, and sometimes pain in the legs and feet. It can be shooting pain or a constant burning sensation.
  • Numbness and sometimes tingling in the back of the leg
  • Weakness in the leg
  • Sciatica pain symptoms may worsen while coughing, lying down, twisting the spine, sitting, bending the spine, or standing up. Walking may bring relief.

Not all lower back pain or radiating leg pain is sciatica. Diagnosis is necessary.

Causes Of Sciatica

Sciatica causes include any of the following underlying conditions:

  • Bone spurs
  • A herniated lumbar spine disc
  • Degeneration of the lumbar disc or vertebrae
  • Muscle spasms
  • Inflammation of the lumbar and/or pelvic muscles
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction – arthritis affecting the spine
  • Spondylolisthesis – a vertebra has slipped onto the bone below it
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis – narrowing the spinal canal that compresses the nerves moving through the lower back into the legs
  • Neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Poor posture and obesity

Long Term Problems Due To Ignoring Sciatica

While sciatica pain symptoms usually resolve themselves without ill effects, some people develop complications like:

  • Chronic pain due to nerve damage
  • Foot drop from permanent weakness and loss of sensation
  • Difficulty walking
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Bladder and bowel incontinence

Temporary Pain Relief

You may temporarily relieve sciatica pain symptoms through the following solutions.

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Three days of bed rest on a comfortable mattress or floor
  • Short walks with correct posture
  • Piriformis stretch, hamstring stretches
  • Hot and cold packs

Sciatica Treatment


  • Prescription muscle relaxant
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
  • Analgesic
  • Steroids,

Medical procedures

  • Stretching and other exercises
  • An epidural steroid injection

Last resort treatment options (surgery)

  • Laminectomy – the surgeon removes part or all of the vertebral bone to ease pressure on the nerve
  • Laminotomy – removal of part of the lamina of a vertebral arch
  • Microdiscectomy – the surgeon removes portions of a herniated disc

Alternative Therapies for Sciatica Treatment?

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Chiropractic treatment for sciatica is a non-surgical and drug-free treatment. It may include ice/cold therapies, TENS, ultrasound, and spinal adjustments. Chiropractors use non-surgical and non-drug approaches to gently and naturally reduce inflammation or release the pinched sciatic nerve. Then the body can heal itself naturally, and the pain will go away on its own.

Supportive care

Continue ice packs and physical exercises while the doctor monitors you for changes or improvements.

Book An Appointment

Please use the booking tool below to book an appointment or by calling us on (480) 988-2974


Frequently Asked Questions

Does Medical Insurance Cover Sciatica Treatment?

Yes, private and public medical insurance cover sciatica treatments, but what is covered may vary from insurer to insurer. If you have been diagnosed with sciatica, talk to your insurer to find out exactly what they cover.

Can Sciatica Go Away Permanently?

Yes. Chiropractors in Gilbert will use a combination of ultrasound, ice/cold therapy, massage, chiropractic adjustment, spinal decompression, exercises, and lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation and release pressure on the nerve or spinal cord. You may need a few visits to get relief. Once nerve signals move naturally through the sciatic nerve, the body will heal itself. Continuing the recommended exercises at home will keep your muscles and joints strong and prevent the recurrence of sciatica.

Can You Recover From Sciatica Nerve Damage?

Yes, you can. You can recover from sciatica nerve damage after getting sciatica treatment in Gilbert from a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment of sciatica will release pressure on the nerves and stimulate tissue repair. Once the nerve repairs itself, your body heals itself, and you can live a pain-free, enjoyable life.

Does Walking Help Sciatica Nerve Pain?

Yes. When it comes to sciatica in Gilbert, motion is key. At first, you may need to rest and tame the pain a bit. After a day or two, start taking daily short walks. Walking causes the release of pain-fighting endorphins and reduces inflammation. However, poor walking posture can worsen your symptoms of sciatica. Therefore, engage your core muscles, tuck in your stomach, stand upright, slow down, and shorten your stride to protect the sciatic nerve. 

Is Sitting Bad For Sciatica?

Yes. Sitting for too long or sitting with poor posture every day puts pressure on the discs in the lumbar spine. It will wear out and put pressure on the sciatic nerve, which may cause sciatica in Gilbert. Watch your posture and support your back with a cushion if you work for many hours while sitting. Stand up every hour to rest your back. Alternatively, use a stand-up desk. Avoid sitting if sciatica has developed because that will aggravate symptoms of sciatica. 

Does Drinking Water Help Sciatica?

Yes, anecdotal evidence confirms that drinking water helps sciatica. If you already have sciatica in Gilbert, you can reduce your sciatica symptoms by drinking more water to rehydrate the discs. To prevent sciatica, drink enough water daily to keep the gelatinous material inside the intervertebral discs moist enough to hold the body’s weight. Without enough water, the discs will dehydrate and collapse, put pressure on the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica. 

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